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titleOnboarding with Workday Student

Use this guide to complete all of your onboarding items in Workday Student! Refer to the Workday Tools and Navigation job aid for more information about navigating Workday.

On this Job ais: 

Table of Contents


Click on the links  Image Added to expand instructions to display description, website URLs, contact information or special notes. 

Student Onboarding is a series of essential tasks you will complete to prepare for starting the academic period (term) at Lynn. The onboarding process in Workday is sequential and tasks will be delivered to your Workday task inbox and Lynn email.  Complete a task or arrange completion before you click the submit button to move on to the next item. 

  • Click "Submit" on items that don't require changes or don't apply to you.
  • You will receive notifications via email to your Lynn email address to complete the onboarding items 
  • Complete each task listed. Each task is personalized and and may be presented in a different order than listed in this job aid.  Tasks can be completed in any order.
  • Some tasks will display a ‘Save for Later’ button, in which you can click to save where you left off in the task. The task will stay in your Action column of your Inbox until completed.
  • below.  
  • Each completion of an onboarding task will automatically remove the task from the Action action column.
  • Tasks requiring you to “review documents” will open in a new browser window.  
  • “To do” tasks will re-direct you to other websites. These task are reminders to complete the task outside of Workday.
  • Read all the information/instructions/documents on each task screen.
  • Preferred document types for attachments: pdf, jpeg, jpg
  • Do not enter comments in the items comment fields as they are not monitored. 

On this Job aid: 

Need Help? Contact the specific department 

Campus Safety +1 561-237-7226 | 

Center for Student Involvement +1 561-237-7569 | 

Housing & Residence Life +1 561-237-7236 | 

International Programs and Services  +1 561-237-7075 | 

Student Financials +1 561-237-7504|

Financial Aid +1 561-237-7185|

Student Affairs +1 561-237-7440 | 

to Workday 

When you log in, you'll see your home page. From here you can navigate to the following:


Table of Contents

Email Notifications

Once Admission process your application and your Lynn account is created,  you will receive notifications from to complete your onboarding tasks.

to Workday to complete your onboarding.

onboarding tasks emailImage Added 

to Workday 

Log in to Workday. From your home page you can navigate to the following:

  • Your inbox tasks
  • Awaiting Your Action

    Home PageImage Added

To begin your onboarding tasks:

  1. Click the box in the center of the screen with the title Awaiting Your Action

  2. Or

To begin your onboarding tasks, navigate to your Tasks Inbox.

  1. ClicktheInboxiconinthetoprightcornerofthescreen

    • OR click the box in the center of the screen with the title Awaiting Your Action 

Onboarding Tasks


titleClick here for description...




To Do


When you consent to share your information outside the institution, Lynn university may release student directory information without written consent or disclosure. 

Directory information  means  "information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed." 

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.


Review your Privacy 

When select to display your directory information as "public" in Workday, your information is only available to those who have access to the Workday system.

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.

 Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


Need help?

  • Click here for instructions on how to log into Workday
  • Click here for details on Workday's landing page 
  • Click here for details on Workday's tools and navigation 
  • Click here for details on Workday's My Tasks and Notifications 


Onboarding Tasks

Request Consent for Electronic 1098-T  

Consent 1098TImage Added

The 1098T form is prepared every January to report to the IRS how much tuition you paid for the previous tax year, and how much you received in scholarships, if applicable.  This is a consent to receive your 1098T form electronically.

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

Federal regulation allows those eligible to receive IRS form 1098-T the option to receive the form in an electronic format instead of through the mail. As a result, Lynn University students may elect to view and print their IRS form 1098-T though Workday self-services rather than wait for it to come by mail.  When you give consent, you may view the form as soon as it is available each January.  The information on the 1098T is only informational.  You must rely on your receipts to determine the amount paid out-of-pocket for the tax credit.

Students that do not give consent will have IRS form 1098-T mailed to the permanent address in the system.

By signing your consent to receive your 1098T form electronically, you are electing not to receive a paper form in the mail.  When your 1098T form is ready, you will receive a notification with instructions how to access the form in Workday.

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504 |

  1. ClickontheConsenttoReceiveForm1098-TElectronicallytask.
  2. Click the checkbox to the right of Yes, I have read and consent to the terms and conditions.

    Consent checkmarkImage Added

  3. ClickSubmit. Click Done.


Missing National ID (US citizens missing SSN only)


titleClick here for descriptionmore information...


To Do

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

The Personal Information you can update in Workday includes:  

  • Sex

  • Date of Birth *

  • Marital Status *

  • Race and Ethnicity

  • Citizenship Status*

  • Gender Identity

  • Pronoun

  • Military Service*

Note: Certain changes to your personal information (*) may require you to attach documentation like SSN card, Drivers License, Birth Certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, etc.

Under document category select "Personal Information"

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504 |


During the Onboarding process in Workday, US citizens  are required to input their Social Security Number (SSN) as part of the Edit Government IDs task. International students can also update their TIN number using this task.

  • Select “change my government IDs”.
  • In the “National IDs” section, click on the + sign.
  • In the Country section, type/choose “United States of America”.
  • In the National ID Type section, choose “Social Security Number (SSN)” or "U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)".
  • In the Add/Edit ID, type in your Social Security/TIN Number. Note: Please proof for errors and be sure that the number you are entering is accurate! 
  • Scroll down and attach a copy of your SSN card.
  • Select document category "ID Verification"

  • Note: Please proof for errors and be sure that the number you are entering is accurate! 
  • You must attach a copy of your SSN card.
  • Select document category "ID Verification"

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Select “change my government IDs”.
  2. In the “National IDs” section, click on the + sign.
  3. In the Country section, type/choose “United States of America”.
  4. In the National ID Type section, choose “Social Security Number (SSN)” or "U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)".
  5. In the Add/Edit ID, type in your Social Security/TIN Number. Note: Please proof for errors and be sure that the number you are entering is accurate! 
  6. Scroll down and attach a copy of your SSN card.
  7. Select document category "ID Verification"

    Goverment IDImage Added


Manage my Privacy

Privacy SettingsImage Added

Review My Home Contact Information


titleClick here for descriptionmore information...


To Do

It is important that all students keep their contact information up to date. Your home contact information below must reflect your local and permanent domicile, personal email address and home and mobile phone numbers.   

Please review your home contact information to reflect your local and permanent domicile and personal email address. 

Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.

Do not override your Legal Home Address with your local address.  Add a new contact address with the appropiate usage lable instead.

Select Mobile Opt-In under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   


Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.


When you consent to share your information outside the institution, Lynn university may release student directory information without written consent or disclosure. 

Directory information  means  "information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed." 

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.

Review your Privacy 

When select to display your directory information as "public" in Workday, your information is only available to those who have access to the Workday system.

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.

 Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Read through the recommendations and select a privacy setting.
  2. Scroll down below the privacy setting options for additional information and options. You can check items here to enable additional items to be visible on your profile.
  3. The items already checked are visible by default. Click Submit, then Done.

    Manage PrivacyImage Added


Review My Personal Information

review personal infoImage Added

titleClick here for more information


Adress usageImage Removed

Phone Type: Select Mobile Opt-In Texting under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   

phone typeImage Removed

Review Preferred Name

review preferred nameImage Removed

titleClick here for description...


To Do

In line with university policy, students and employees may enter a preferred first name and/or preferred middle name that affirms their gender, culture or other aspects of their social identity. 

Note: Preferred names do not affect the individual’s last name, which must remain the person’s legal name. Preferred name will display in Workday and other applications (as supported) but will not replace the legal name that is stored in Workday.  

Review your preferred name (First Name only). your last name should not be changed.


Review Legal Name

review legal nameImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do

Lynn University requires your legal name to be correct in our system.  Your legal name will be displayed in your official educational documents. 

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.


Review your legal name. 

*You are required to attach one form of documentation to support the name change request, and the documentation needed may vary by situation.  Acceptable documents include: 

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Marriage License 

  • Divorce Decree

  • Court Order

  • A statement explaining your request change if it is a result of adding a middle name or correcting the spelling.

Please select document category "Legal Name Change"

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.


Federal Student Aid Authorization

federal student aid authorizationImage Removed


titleClick here for description...


Your authorization is required for federal student aid funds to apply to non-institutional charges.

Definition of non-institution charges: all other charges other than tuition, fees, housing, and food.

You can rescind this authorization at any time in writing to the Student Accounts Office at

By checking the "I authorize" box and pressing Submit button, you authorize Lynn University to apply federal financial aid to non-institutional charges.

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

The Personal Information you can update in Workday includes:  

  • Sex

  • Date of Birth *

  • Marital Status *

  • Race and Ethnicity

  • Citizenship Status*

  • Gender Identity

  • Pronoun

  • Military Service*

Note: Certain changes to your personal information (*) may require you to attach documentation like SSN card, Driver's License, Birth Certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, etc.

Under document category select "Personal Information"

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Click on the Review My Personal Information task.

    review personal infoImage Added

  2. Review the information available. If you need to make changes, click the Edit button.
  3. To make edits navigate to the information you want up update click on the pencil icon to unlock the section.

    genderImage Added

  4. Updatetheinformationandthenclickthecheckmarkicontosaveyourchanges.

    checkmarkImage Added

  5. Onceyouhavemadeedits,orifyoudon'tneedtomakeedits, clickApprove.


Review My Home Contact Information

Review home contact informationImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

It is important that all students keep their contact information up to date. Your home contact information below must reflect your local and permanent domicile, personal email address and home and mobile phone numbers.   

Please review your home contact information to reflect your local and permanent domicile and personal email address. 

Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.

Do not override your Legal Home Address with your local address.  Add a new contact address with the appropriate usage label instead.

Select Mobile Opt-In under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Review your contact information. 
  2. To make changes click the Edit button

    contact informationImage Added

  3. Select pencil icon next to a record to modify or Select X to delete a record
  4. Select add button to add a new record 

    change addressImage Added

  5. Click Approve to complete task or if your contact information is correct


Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.

  • Legal Home Permanent: This usage should reflect your home address when you are not attending school. If you reside with your family during non-school periods, kindly input your family's home address in this section.
  • Personal Local Address: This usage pertains to the address where you currently reside for the ongoing semester. If this address differs from your Legal Home Address, or if you reside on campus, it is necessary to maintain a separate contact entry. Avoid overwriting your legal home address. Instead, click the "Add" button, input your Florida address, add the usage as "Local," and ensure that you select the "Primary" checkbox.
  • Note: If you are a commuter and reside in Florida and your legal home permanent and local addresses are be the same, please add both usage labels to your primary contact record.

Adress usageImage Added

Phone Type: Select Mobile Opt-In Texting under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   

phone typeImage Added


Review Preferred Name

review preferred nameImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

In line with university policy, students and employees may enter a preferred first name and/or preferred middle name that affirms their gender, culture or other aspects of their social identity. 

Note: Preferred names do not affect the individual’s last name, which must remain the person’s legal name. Preferred name will display in Workday and other applications (as supported) but will not replace the legal name that is stored in Workday.  

Review your preferred name (First Name only). your last name should not be changed.

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Click Change My Preferred Name
  2. Uncheck Use Legal Name as Preferred Name
  3. Change First Name
  4. Click Submit

    preferred NameImage Added


Review Legal Name

review legal nameImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

Lynn University requires your legal name to be correct in our system.  Your legal name will be displayed in your official educational documents. 

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.

Review your legal name. 

*You are required to attach one form of documentation to support the name change request, and the documentation needed may vary by situation.  Acceptable documents include: 

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Marriage License 

  • Divorce Decree

  • Court Order

  • A statement explaining your request change if it is a result of adding a middle name or correcting the spelling.

Please select document category "Legal Name Change"

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.

  1. If the legal name displayed is correct click "Approve" otherwise use the "Edit" box below and make the appropriate changes.  
  2. Drag and drop your documentation or select a file from your computer
  3. Select document category "Legal Name Change"
  4. Click Submit

    Image Added


Federal Student Aid Authorization

federal student aid authorizationImage Added

Your authorization is required for federal student aid funds to apply to non-institutional charges. 


This is intended for federal financial aid recipients.  If you are not receiving federal aid, you do not need to check the box “ I Authorize”.  You will need to just click the submit button.  This will allow the next tasks to be deployed to you.

titleClick here for more information...

DescriptionTo Do

Your authorization is required for federal student aid funds to apply to non-institutional charges.

Definition of non-institution charges: all other charges other than tuition, fees, housing, and food.

You can rescind this authorization at any time in writing to the Student Accounts Office at

By checking the "I authorize" box and pressing Submit button, you authorize Lynn University to apply federal financial aid to non-institutional charges.

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504|

  1. Select I authorize
  2. Click Submit

    Image Added


Credit on Account Retention Authorization

Image Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

This authorization states that if any credit is created due to the receipt of financial aid funds, the student and parent authorize the university to hold it on the student account. If at any time a student would like a refund of the excess funds, a Request for Refund Form must be completed in Workday so a refund can be processed.

Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard

  1. Select I authorize
  2. Click Submit

Federal Student Aid AuthorizationImage Removed

Credit on Account Retention Authorization

Credit on Account Retention AuthorizationImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do

This authorization states that if any credit is created due to the receipt of financial aid funds, the student and parent authorize the university to hold it on the student account. If at any time a student would like a refund of the excess funds, a Request for Refund Form must be completed in Workday so a refund can be processed.


Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard


Notification of Rights under FERPA

Notification of Rights under FERPAImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do


As a college student, you are the only person who has access to your academic information. That means if someone wants to know or verify information regarding your grades or progress towards graduation we cannot release your information without your consent. 

To add authorized users to access your information, review the job aid  How to Add Emergency Contacts and Third Party Proxy


Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard


Statement of Financial Responsibility

Statement of Financial ResponsibilityImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do


The Statement of Financial Responsibility (SFR) informs students of their financial responsibilities associated with relevant policies and explains the potential consequences that may result if a student fails to meet those obligations.


Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard


Complete lynn launchImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do


In addition to your in person orientation sessions, we created a special online Canvas course designed just for you!

The modules in this course will equip you with necessary tools and resources to aid in a successful transition to Lynn! 


You will be automatically enrolled and sent more information.


Please log into Canvas to complete the Lynn Launch course. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

  1. When you complete this item, Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.
  2. Select Save for Later if you have not completed this task.

Complete to do - Lynn LaunchImage Removed

Create CBORD GET Account

crete cbor GET accountImage Removed


titleClick here for description...




To Do

GET Mobile is a service that allow students to use their mobile device to manage their Lynn card account,  swipe for meals and more.

All students must have a Lynn University Campus ID Card.

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.


Please download the app and upload a picture for your student ID.  

  • All students are required to have a photo on file – online students can request an ID card be printed by emailing the request to

  • New students will receive their ID Card during their Welcome Weekend appointment.

Click Here to View

App Store:
Click Here to Download

  1. When you complete this item, Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.
  2. Select Save for Later if you have not completed this task.

create cbord get accountImage Removed

ACH Refund Setup

Image Removed

To enter payment election information you will need your U.S. Bank Name, Account type (checking or Savings), Routing Transit Number and Account Number. This will allow you to receive funds when applicable.
titleClick here for description...


To Do

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504|

  1. Select Payment Elections
    If you are a student worker, you may already have Payment Elections in Workday. Review your Accounts and make any necessary changes. 
  2. Click submit 

AccountsImage Removed

If you do not have a payment election,  a payment election option screen will appear.


  1. I authorize
  2. Click Submit

    Credit on Account Retention AuthorizationImage Added


Notification of Rights under FERPA

Notification of Rights under FERPAImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

As a college student, you are the only person who has access to your academic information. That means if someone wants to know or verify information regarding your grades or progress towards graduation we cannot release your information without your consent. 

To add authorized users to access your information, review the job aid  How to Add Emergency Contacts and Third Party Proxy

Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Select I authorize
  2. Click Submit

    Notification of Rights under FERPAImage Added


Statement of Financial Responsibility

Statement of Financial ResponsibilityImage Added


  • Routing Numbers is a required field and should be 9 digits in lenght 
  • Bank name is required field 
  • Account Type is a required field 
  • Account Number is a required field. 

Account setupImage Removed

Request Consent for Electronic 1098-T  

Consent 1098TImage Removed

titleClick here for descriptionmore information...


To Do


1098T form is prepared every January to report to the IRS how much tuition you paid for the previous tax year, and how much you received in scholarships, if applicable. 

Statement of Financial Responsibility (SFR) informs students of their financial responsibilities associated with relevant policies and explains the potential consequences that may result if a student fails to meet those obligations.

Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard

By signing your consent to receive your 1098T form electronically, you are electing not to receive a paper form in the mail.  When your 1098T form is ready, you will receive a notification with instructions how to access the form in Workday.

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504|


Review Friends and Family






To Do


Review Friends and Family

Friends and family include individuals you would like listed  as emergency contacts as well as any individuals you would like to view your selected academic and/or financial records and/or make payments on your behalf. 

Please use the Add button to add an individual.  You will be required to add at least one method of communication for each person listed.  

  1. Select I authorize
  2. Click Submit

    Statement of Financial ResponsibilityImage Added


Complete Canvas Course - ISO 101 (International Students Only)

task comlete course ISOImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

Complete the ISO 101 (F1 Immigration Orientation Canvas Course) Prior to USA arrival. 

This course will explain the F1 visa immigration rules and regulations to maintain a good F1 visa status while studying in the U.S.

Log into Canvas and access the course ISO 101:

  • Remember to take the quiz at the end. 
  • You must earn 90% or above to successfully complete the course. 
  • Retake the quiz as many times as you want.
  • Submit the completion form to acknowledge that you understand the material in the course.

    Need Help? Contact International Programs and Services  +1 561-237-7075 | 

  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

    Canvas ISO courseImage Added


Complete Lynn Launch (Daytime new students only)

Complete lynn launchImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

In addition to person orientation sessions, we created a special online Canvas course designed just for you!

The modules in this course will equip you with necessary tools and resources to aid in a successful transition to Lynn! 

The Canvas course will be ready for you after the final Lynn Launch session, as you get close to the start of the term.

You will be automatically enrolled and sent more information.

Please log into Canvas to complete the Lynn Launch course. 

Need Help? Contact the Center for Student Involvement +1 561-237-7569 | 

Please review the friends and family information

Students are required to have at least one emergency communication contact. 

For Emergency Contacts, you must enter an address and a phone number.

For Third Party Users you must enter an email address.

Please keep this

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

Click the Add button to add an individual.  You will be required to add at least one method of communication for each person listed.  

Click on the Review My Friends and Family task. Read through the instructions.

instructions add friends and familyImage Removed

Click the Add button.

Select Relationship Type (you must select an Emergency Contact relationship type before any other types can be selected and before you can complete this task.)

Click the box next to Is Third-Party User if you want this contact to be a third-party user and have their own Workday access to make payments or view account/academic information.


In the Name section, add the contact's first name, last name.

NameImage Removed

In the Contact Information tab, click Add  to submit at least one method of contact.

For Emergency Contacts, you must enter an address and a phone number. Under phone, select device type mobile opt-in or mobile opt-out to include or exclude them of Lynn's emergency notifications

For Third Party Users you must enter an email address.


Click OK, and then click Done.

Return to the Review my Friends and Family task.

Click Submit. Click Done.






To Do


d 11 - Health Insurance Enrollment

Full-Time Day students and all Graduate Students living in Campus housing, are required to purchase this insurance plan.  The premium is added to the student's tuition fees unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished.  Your account will be charged for the student insurance unless your waiver request has been approved by the published deadline.


  1. When you complete this item, click 
  1. "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

Visit UnitedHealthcare page at and search Lynn University to submit a waiver request. 

If you do not qualify for a waiver, please click Opt-In to ENROLL in the Lynn University mandatory plan.

If you are interested in learning more about enrolling in the school sponsored voluntary dental and/or vision plan, please visit


d 11 - Health Insurance Enrollment International Students

Full-Time Day students and all Graduate Students living in the US, are required to purchase this insurance plan. The premium is added to the student's tuition fees.

You will be automatically enrolled in the Insurance plan and sent more information as you get close to the start of the term. You will need your Lynn University student ID number, Date of Birth and your Lynn University email address to verify your entry to the enrollment site.

  1. Complete to do - Lynn LaunchImage Added


FNIS Foreign National Information System (International Students Only) 

FNISImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

The Foreign National Information System (FNIS) is used to determine if foreign nationals have any tax benefits based on country of origin, length of stay, type of visa, and type of earnings. It searches for any applicable tax treaties and/or exemptions that can be applied directly to the foreign national’s pay.


If applicable log into FNIS system and complete required information

Need Help? Contact Financial Aid +1 561-237-7185|

  1. When you complete this item, Click "Submit"


  1. to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

Visit UnitedHealthcare page at and search Lynn University. 

Please click Opt-In to ENROLL in the Lynn University mandatory plan. You will be able to print your Student Health Insurance Card.

If you are interested in learning more about enrolling in the school sponsored voluntary dental and/or vision plan, please visit


d 14 - Complete Canvas Course - ISO 101


Complete the ISO 101 (F1 Immigration Orientation Canvas Course) Prior to USA arrival. 

This course will explain the F1 visa immigration rules and regulations to maintain a good F1 visa status while studying in the U.S.

Log into Canvas and access the course ISO 101:

Remember to take the quiz at the end. 

You must earn 90% or above to successfully complete the course. 

Retake the quiz as many times as you want.

Submit the completion form to acknowledge that you understand the material in the course.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  



d 18 - Review of Student Residency


Complete this step to help Financial Aid staff determine your state residency status. 

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


  1. FNISImage Added


Create CBORD GET Account

crete cbor GET accountImage Added

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To Do

GET Mobile is a service that allow students to use their mobile device to manage their Lynn card account,  swipe for meals and more.

All students must have a Lynn University Campus ID Card.

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please download the app and upload a picture for your student ID.  

  • All students are required to have a photo on file – online students can request an ID card be printed by emailing the request to

  • New students will receive their ID Card during their Welcome Weekend appointment.

Click Here to View

App Store:
Click Here to Download

Need Help? Contact IT Support Services +1 561-237-7979 |

  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

CBord GET taskImage Added


Health Insurance Enrollment

Health Insurance to doImage Added

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To Do

Full-Time Day students and all Graduate Students living in the US, are required to purchase this insurance plan. 

US Citizens: The premium is added to the student's tuition fees unless proof of comparable coverage is furnished.  Your account will be charged for the student insurance unless your waiver request has been approved by the published deadline.

International students: The premium is added to the student's tuition fees and they will be automatically enrolled in the Insurance plan. Students will receive more information as they get close to the start of the term. 

Visit UnitedHealthcare page at and search Lynn University. 

If you are interested in learning more about enrolling in the school sponsored voluntary dental and/or vision plan, please visit

Need Help? Contact Financial Aid +1 561-237-7185|

  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

    health ins enrollment internationalImage Added


ADA Accommodation Request (Optional)

ADA accomodation taskImage Added

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To Do

(Optional) Lynn University supports the American Disabilities Act (ADA) as a civil rights law for people with disabilities that is built on the principles of equal opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency. Please refer to our Student Accessibility Services page for further details.

If applicable, complete the ADA Accommodation Request Form

Need Help?  Contact Student Accessibility Services

  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

    ADA AccomodationImage Added


Complete Housing Application

complete housing application taskImage Added

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To Do

Log into the Lynn Student Health Portal and complete

All new, incoming students who will be residing on campus are required to log into the Lynn Student Health Portal with their Lynn account and complete submit the following health documents prior to arriving on campus:
1. Health History and Authorization Form: To be completed and signed by the student and/or parent if the student is under 18 (Does NOT require a physician's signature.)

2. Proof of a Physical Examination: Proof of a general physical exam is required for all students living on campus, and must be dated within 12 months of your first semester living on campus at Lynn University.

3. Immunization Records
   - Proof of TWO MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) vaccines - OR- proof of immunity via a blood test (“titers”)
   - Proof of a Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines dated within FIVE years of your first semester living on campus

Proof of vaccines or a signed waiver in the case of Hepatitis B are required.

Questions? email or call + 1 (561) 237-7705

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside of Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

...  (Replaced)

For questions please visit the Student Health page or contact Student Health office at 561-237-7231


New housing applicants are able to apply for housing through their eRezLife account. You must use your Lynn email and password to log


into eRezLife. 




 Log into your eRezLife account ​and complete housing application

  • All housing application forms are available under the Housing Overview tab.

  • Click the "Apply now" button beside the housing application

  • Complete all questions on the application form

  • After completing your application form, click "save progress" or "continue to: Confirm application" 

  • Carefully review your application details and check the statement boxes

  • Click Submit application


Need Help? Contact Housing and Residence Life  at


  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.


 Log into your eRezLife account ​and complete housing application


d 23 - Review Document Lynn Code of Conduct


The purpose of the student code of conduct is to outline behavioral expectations for Lynn University students. The student code of conduct sets specific expectations for student behavior, identifies behaviors prohibited at the university, and describes the overall process and stated procedures for addressing allegations of student code of conduct violations, as well as the possible consequences for students who violate these standards. Please read the attached document carefully.

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


d 24 -FNIS Foreign National Information System 


The Foreign National Information System (FNIS) is used to determine if foreign nationals have any tax benefits based on country of origin, length of stay, type of visa, and type of earnings. It searches for any applicable tax treaties and/or exemptions that can be applied directly to the foreign national’s pay.

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


If applicable log into FNIS system and complete required information


d 25 - iPad Agreement

Please read the attached document carefully.

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard




d 26 - ADA Accommodation Request


(Optional) Lynn University supports the American Disabilities Act (ADA) as a civil rights law for people with disabilities that is built on the principles of equal opportunity, full participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency. Please refer to our Student Accessibility Services page for further details. 

For any questions contact Student Accessibility Services

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


If applicable, complete the ADA Accommodation Request Form

  1. Complete Housing applicationImage Added


Complete Health Forms

complete health forms taskImage Added

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To Do

All new, incoming students who will be residing on campus are required to log into the Lynn Student Health Portal with their Lynn account and complete submit the following health documents prior to arriving on campus. 

Log into the Lynn Student Health Portal with your Lynn account and complete:

1. Health History and Authorization Form: To be completed and signed by the student and/or parent if the student is under 18 (Does NOT require a physician's signature.)

2. Proof of a Physical Examination: Proof of a general physical exam is required for all students living on campus, and must be dated within 12 months of your first semester living on campus at Lynn University.

3. Immunization Records
   - Proof of TWO MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) vaccines - OR- proof of immunity via a blood test (“titers”)
   - Proof of a Meningococcal ACWY Vaccines dated within FIVE years of your first semester living on campus

Proof of vaccines or a signed waiver in the case of Hepatitis B are required.

Need help? Contact the Student Health office at 561-237-7231

  1. When you complete this item, click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

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ACH Refund Setup

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To Do

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

To enter payment election information you will need your U.S. Bank Name, Account type (checking or Savings), Routing Transit Number and Account Number. This will allow you to receive funds when applicable.

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504 |

  1. Select Payment Elections
    If you are a student worker, you may already have Payment Elections in Workday. Review your Accounts and make any necessary changes. 
  2. Click submit 

AccountsImage Added

If you do not have a payment election,  a payment election option screen will appear.

  1. Select "Direct Deposit" for Expense Payments and Student Refunds

    Payment Election OptionImage Added

  2. Enter Bank account information and select OK
  • Routing Numbers is a required field and should be 9 digits in length 
  • Bank name is required field 
  • Account Type is a required field 
  • Account Number is a required field.

    Account setupImage Added


Register Your Vehicle

register your vehicle taskImage Added

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To Do

All student cars must be registered with the university. If you intend to park a car on campus, complete the Vehicle Registration Form and get your decal from Campus Safety.

All student


d 6 - Missing National ID


During the Onboarding process in Workday, US citizens  are required to input their Social Security Number (SSN) as part of the Edit Government IDs task. International students can also update their TIN number using this task.

  • Select “change my government IDs”.
  • In the “National IDs” section, click on the + sign.
  • In the Country section, type/choose “United States of America”.
  • In the National ID Type section, choose “Social Security Number (SSN)” or "U.S. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)".
  • In the Add/Edit ID, type in your Social Security/TIN Number. Note: Please proof for errors and be sure that the number you are entering is accurate! 
  • Scroll down and attach a copy of your SSN card.
  • Select document category "ID Verification"

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


d 7 - Register your Vehicle


cars must be registered with the university. If you intend to park a car on campus, please complete


Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


Changed To DO

Please complete vehicle registration form


d 8 - Complete Lynn Launch


In addition to your in person orientation sessions, we created a special online Canvas course designed just for you!

The modules in this course will equip you with necessary tools and resources to aid in a successful transition to Lynn! 

The Canvas course will be ready for you as you get close to the start of the term.

You will be automatically enrolled and sent more information.

Please log into Canvas to complete the Lynn Launch course. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at 

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


Please log into Canvas to complete the Lynn Launch course. 

your vehicle registration.

After submitting new vehicle details, please visit Campus Safety with your Lynn ID and copy of your Vehicle Registration to obtain your decal. .

You may only have a maximum of 2 active vehicle registrations at a time.

  • Click the + sign to add your vehicle
  • Enter your vehicle details
  • Click the checkbox
  • Click OK

Need Help? Contact Campus Safety +1 561-237-7226 | 

  1. Scroll down and click the "My Vehicle Registration" button.

    my vehicle to doImage Added

  2. Click on the + sign to add new vehicle details
  3. Enter all the vehicle details in the respective text boxes
    vehicle registration screenImage Added

  4. Click the check box and click ok
    acknowledgement boxImage Added

  5. After submitting new vehicle details, please visit Campus Safety area during Orientation with your Lynn ID and copy of your Vehicle Registration to obtain your decal.


Review Friends and Family

Review Friends and FamilyImage Added

Need help?

  • Click here for information on third party proxy (log in and navigation)
  • Click here for detailed instructions on Friends and Family and Third Party permissions
titleClick here for more information...


To Do

Friends and family include individuals you would like listed  as emergency contacts as well as any individuals you would like to view your selected academic and/or financial records and/or make payments on your behalf. 

Please use the Add button to add an individual.  You will be required to add at least one method of communication for each person listed.  

Please review the friends and family information

Students are required to have at least one emergency communication contact. 

For Emergency Contacts, you must enter an address and a phone number.

For Third Party Users you must enter an email address.

Please keep this

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Click the Add button to add an individual.  You will be required to add at least one method of communication for each person listed.  
  2. Click on the Review My Friends and Family task. Read through the instructions.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Select Relationship Type (you must select an Emergency Contact relationship type before any other types can be selected and before you can complete this task.)
  5. Click the box next to Is Third-Party User if you want this contact to be a third-party user and have their own Workday access to make payments or view account/academic information.

    add friends and familyImage Added

  6. Inthe Name section, addthecontact'sfirstname,lastname.

    NameImage Added

  7. In the Contact Information tab, click Add  to submit at leastonemethodof contact.
    ForEmergencyContacts,youmustenteranaddressandaphonenumber. Under phone, select device type mobile opt-in or mobile opt-out to include or exclude them of Lynn's emergency notifications
    ForThird Party Users you must enter an email address.

    Image Added

  8. ClickOK,andthenclickDone.
  9. ReturntotheReviewmyFriendsandFamilytask.
  10. ClickSubmit.ClickDone.

You must add at least one emergency contact to your records otherwise you will get an error when you click Submit

errorImage Added


Review My Friends and Family 

review Friends and FamilyImage Added


After you submit your emergency contact information, you can grant third parties access to your records using the online portal.  If no other permissions are needed,  you can just click "SUBMIT" 

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

To let a third party view information


d 9 - Complete iPad Shipment Form


(Optional) Students who wish to receive a Lynn University iPad must pay a non-refundable $200 Instructional Materials fee and complete the iPad shipment form.

To pay, visit 

Select “Instructional Materials Fees.”

Then select:

  • “Masters/EdD Course Instruction Fee" (for graduate students) or

  • "Online Instructional Fee" (for online undergraduate students).

iPad’s are shipped two weeks prior to classes starting.

Students have the option of using their own iPad instead of purchasing a Lynn iPad. Just click "Submit" below. No need to pay the instructional fees.

Click "Submit" to acknowledge this task is completed outside Workday.

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  


Please complete form including iPad shipping address

Changed to do text

Change to Online and Graduate students only (No UG Day)


e - Review Permissions for My Third Party


To let a third party view information in Workday and/or receive information from Academic Advising, Student Records, and Financial Aid about your grades, registration, and/or financial aid package, Set Permissions for a Third Party to Access Your Student Information.

When a student grants access to a third party for the first time, the third party will be invited to create a Lynn Workday account. The third party will then use that account to log in to Workday.

The third party will only be able to view information for which the student has granted them access.

Third-party access can be changed or removed at any time by the student.

To update third party permissions:

  • If not enabled,  select "Enable Third Party" button next to the third party name 

  • Select "Is Third Party User" checkmark. Select "OK"

  • If enabled, select "Add Permissions"

  • Verify Third Party name. Select "OK"

  • Scroll down and select the "Allowed" checkmarks under the tasks you would like to grant access.

  • Select "OK"

  • Complete Purpose of Waiver

  • Click Confirm

  • Click Submit

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

Third Party Permissions Event (Default Definition)


in Workday and/or receive information from Academic Advising, Student Records, and Financial Aid about your grades, registration, and/or financial aid package, Set Permissions for a Third Party to Access Your Student Information.

When a student grants access to a third party for the first time, the third party will be invited to create a Lynn Workday account. The third party will then use that account to log in to Workday.

The third party will only be able to view information for which the student has granted them access.

Third-party access can be changed or removed at any time by the student.


Annual FERPA Notice

  1. Click on the Annual FERPA Notice task.
  2. Click on the link to the Annual FERPA Notice. Read the information that displays.
  3. Click the check box to the right of I agree.

Image RemovedImage Removed

  1. Click Submit.

Student Code of Conduct

  1. Click on the Student Code of Conduct task.
  2. Click on the link to the Student Code of Conduct. Read the information that displays.
  3. Click the check box to the right of I agree.


  1. Click Submit.

Student Financial Responsibility Statement

  1. Click on the Student Financial Responsibility Statement task.
  2. Click on the Student Financial Responsibility Statement link. Read the information that displays.
  3. Click the check box to the right of I agree.

Image RemovedImage Removed

  1. Click Submit.

Review My Friends and Family

  1. Click on the Review My Friends and Family task. Read through the instructions.

Image RemovedImage Removed

  1. Click the Add button.
  2. Select Relationship Type (you must select an Emergency Contact relationship type before any other types can be selected and before you can complete this task.)
  3. Click the box next to Is Third-Party User if you want this contact to be a third-party user. A third-party user is someone you allow to have access to your student account to make payments or view information.


  1. In the Contact Information section, add the contact's first name, last name, and at least one method of contact. NOTE: For Emergency Contacts, you must enter an address and a phone number. For Third Party Users you must enter an email address.


  1. Click OK, and then click Done.
  2. Return to the Review my Friends and Family task.
  3. Click Submit. Click Done.

Review Permissions for My Third Party

  1. Click on the Review Permissions for My Third Party task.
  2. Click Add Permissions to select the permissions for the Third-Party user to have access to on your account

Image RemovedImage Removed

  1. Confirm the third party to whom you want to grant permissions.
  2. Click OK.

Image RemovedImage Removed

  1. Select the permissions for the third party user by clicking the checkbox next to the permission. You may grant the following permissions:
    • Make a Payment
    • View Financial Aid Package
    • View Account Activity
    • View Student Statement
    • View Current Classes
    • View Student Grades
    • Generate Unofficial Transcript
  2. Click OK.
  3. In the FERPA Waiver pop-up, write in the purpose of the waiver, and click Confirm.


  1. Click Submit.
  2. Return to the Review Permissions for my Third Party task.
  3. Click Approve.


To update third party permissions:

  • If not enabled,  select "Enable Third Party" button next to the third party name 

  • Select "Is Third Party User" checkmark. Select "OK"

  • If enabled, select "Add Permissions"

  • Verify Third Party name. Select "OK"

  • Scroll down and select the "Allowed" checkmarks under the tasks you would like to grant access.

  • Select "OK"

  • Complete Purpose of Waiver

  • Click Confirm

  • Click Submit

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

To let a third party view information in Workday and/or receive information from Academic Advising, Student Records, and Financial Aid about your grades, registration, and/or financial aid package, Set Permissions for a Third Party to Access Your Student Information.

When a student grants access to a third party for the first time, the third party will be invited to create a Lynn Workday account. The third party will then use that account to log in to Workday.

The third party will only be able to view information for which the student has granted them access.

Third-party access can be changed or removed at any time by the student.

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

To provide third party access to your records you must first select contact as third party user, then manage permissions for user.

  1. On the third party record, scroll to the right and select Actions button.
    Actions buttonImage Added

  2. Select Edit Friends and Family

    edit friends and familyImage Added

  3. Select Is Third Party User (specific permissions  will be granted in the next steps). Click OK.

    is third party userImage Added

  4. On the contact record,  scroll to the right.  Select Action button. Select Manage Permissions for My Third Party
    manage permissionsImage Added

  5. Verify Third party name, click OK

    verify third partyImage Added

  6. Select the permissions for the third party user by clicking the checkbox next to the permission. You may grant the following permissions:
    • Make a Payment
    • View Financial Aid Package
    • View Account Activity
    • View Student Statement
    • View Current Classes
    • View Student Grades
    • Generate Unofficial Transcript

      permissionsImage Added

  7. In the FERPA Waiver pop-up, write in the purpose of the waiver, and click Confirm.

    privacy releaseImage Added


Review of Student Residency

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To Do

Complete this step to help Financial Aid staff determine your state residency status for financial aid purposes.  

Complete Questionnaire. If Florida resident, you will need additional documentation to apply for the Florida EASE Grant Application:

Student, or the parent/guardian of dependent student, must provide two (2) documents supporting the establishment of legal residence. Documents must be dated, issued or filed at least twelve (12) months prior to the first day of classes of the academic term for which assistance is requested.

1st tier (at least one of the two documents must be from this column)

  • Florida voter's registration card
  • Florida driver's license or State of Florida identification card
  • Florida vehicle registration
  • Proof of a permanent home in Florida which is occupied as a primary residence by the claimant
  • Proof of a homestead exemption in Florida
  • Transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years if the Florida high school diploma or GED was earned within the last 12 months
  • Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week for a 12-month period


2nd tier (may be used in conjunction with one document from the 1st tier)

    • Declaration of domicile in Florida
    • Florida professional or occupational license
    • Florida incorporation
    • Documents evidencing family ties in Florida
    • Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable or professional organization
    • Utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments
    • Lease agreement and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments
    • Official state, federal or court document evidencing legal ties to Florida

      Need Help? Contact Financial Aid +1 561-237-7185|

  1. Complete questionnaire (attached required documentation if applicable).
  2. When you complete this item, click "Submit
  3. Select Save for Later if need to gather more information to complete at a later time
    residency questionnaireImage Added



Review Lynn Code of Conduct

review code of conductImage Added

titleClick here for more information...


To Do

The purpose of the student code of conduct is to outline behavioral expectations for Lynn University students. The student code of conduct sets specific expectations for student behavior, identifies behaviors prohibited at the university, and describes the overall process and stated procedures for addressing allegations of student code of conduct violations, as well as the possible consequences for students who violate these standards. 

This is the last onboarding item to complete.  It will be available to you 45 days before the start of the term.

Please read the attached document carefully. 

You can access onboarding acknowledged documents under your Profile > Personal > Documents > Reviewed: Standard

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

  1. Select I authorize
  2. Click Submit

    code of conductImage Added