How to Enter Merit Increase Recommendations

  1. From homepage, click on Inbox icon.

  2. Find inbox item that begins with "Compensation Review: Lynn Annual Merit Review…". Click on it.

  3. If other organizations (supervisors) roll up to you, click the pencil icon in the column titled "Propose". (Otherwise, skip to step 4.)

  4. Enter merit recommendations as either a dollar amount or a percent. If desired, a notes section is available for your use. Note – pay figures for salaried employees are listed as annual amounts; pay figures for hourly employees are listed as hourly amounts

  5. If other organizations (supervisors) roll up to you, skip to step 6. Otherwise, once you finish entering your recommendations click the orange Submit button. You then can enter a comment if you wish and need to click Submit again to finalize. This will send your recommendations to your manager.

  6. If other organizations (supervisors) roll up to you, after you finish entering recommendations for your direct reports, click the Continue button at the bottom of the screen.

  7. Click the looking glass icon in the "View" column.

  8. You will now see a larger list of employees that includes everyone rolling up to you. As long as their managers have clicked the orange Submit button, you will be able to make any edits desired.

  9. Once everything is to your liking, click the gray Continue button and then the Orange Submit button. You can then enter a comment if you wish and need to click Submit again to finalize. This will send your recommendations to your manager.

Other Operations

Sending Back for Revisions

  1. Should you wish to send back a group of recommendations for the manager under you to revise, you can click on the icon in the Sub Orgs column to display a list of the subordinate organizations.
  2. Using the Actions menu on the row of the organization you'd like to send back, select Send Back. You will be prompted to enter a note before sending back.

Completing on Behalf of Someone Else

  1. Should you need to manually advance one of your subordinate organizations up the hierarchy, click the Sub Orgs icon and then navigate to the Actions column on row containing the organization you'd like to advance.

  2. Click the downward-facing arrow on the Actions button and a list of options will appear. Select "Complete on Behalf".

  3. You will be prompted to check a box confirming your intent and asked to enter a comment.

  4. Now return to Step 7 above to review merit recommendations for organizations rolling up to you before clicking Submit.
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