This document will explain the basic functions of the presentation technology in Elaine's in the Lynn University Center.

Getting started

  • Tap on the touch panel to wake it up.
  • Enter the code to access the touch panel (Code is 7979)

Controls for visual presentations

  • Select a source by tapping the button for that source
    • Local PC is the desktop located in the rack on Stage Left
    • Apple TV
    • External HDMI device - Connections located in the floor boxes and on the front and back walls of the room.

  • Once the source is selected, tap the large Destination button in the middle to turn on the projector and display that source.
    • The name of the source will appear in the large box and the projector power indicator box to the left will change.

  • When the presentation is completed, please tap the projector power off button to turn off the system.
  • Once finished, tap the Lock panel button.

Controls for audio

  • Tap the audio controls button on the bottom
    • The south dining, servery and lobby zones should not be changed unless cleared with Campus Operations or IT support.

  • Tap the Page 2 button at the bottom right.
  • Select the source audio for the North Dining Array and North Dining Ceiling zones.
    • Projector - Audio from source selected in previous screen
    • Radio - Music from Preset source
    • North Dining AUX - Cables can be plugged into wall panels on both sides of room.
  • Use the volume up and down controls to adjust the source audio as needed.

Advanced audio controls

  • Tap the audio matrix button at the bottom.
    • This display shows what microphones and audio inputs are routed to which zones in the building.
      • This should not need to be changed.  Please contact IT support if this needs to be changed for a specific event.

  • If the microphone or audio input levels need to be adjusted, tap the Input Volumes button on the right.
  • Use the volume up and down controls to adjust as needed.

Window Shade controls

  • To adjust the window shades, tap on the shades button at the bottom of the main screen.

  • Use the up/down controls for shades as needed.

Shutting down the system

  • Do not use the "Power Off" button at the bottom-right. 
  • Make sure the projector is powered off
  • In the audio settings, change the audio source back to radio.
  • Once finished, tap the lock panel button.