We believe that providing students the opportunity to connect with their incoming classmates and take ownership over their roommate-matching journey helps to develop a positive beginning of their residential experience. The first step to communicating with other incoming first-year and transfer students is to opt into the RoomeeZ program.

Create Your RoomeeZ Profile

  1. Log into your eRezLife account at https://lynn.erezlife.com using your Lynn University email and password to log in to eRezLife.
    1. Before creating your RoomeeZ Profile, you'll need to complete and submit your housing application.

  2. On the left-hand side of your dashboard, please select “My roommate profile

  3. Check the box that says turn on my profile and fill out the required fields on your roommate profile. This action allows your profile to be viewed by other applicants. Additionally, you can specify which of the profile fields other can search for and see based on your comfort level and what you would like to share with potential roommates.
    1. All applicants mean it will be available for anyone searching for potential roommates.
    2. My contacts mean it will only be seen by other applicants once an applicant accepts a contact request.
    3. Applicants may also decide to make certain profile fields Private and not shared with anyone

  4. In the last section, you will be able to provide any social media and contact information that you are comfortable sharing with other applicants to facilitate communication. These are only viewable by approved contacts.

  5. Once you have completed your Roommate profile and have turned it on, you can access the roommate search and Contacts menu.