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On this Job aid: 

Table of Contents

Email Notifications

Once Admissions process your application and your Lynn account is created,  you will receive notifications from to complete your onboarding tasks.

to Workday to complete your onboarding.

onboarding tasks email 

to Workday 

Log in to Workday. From your home page you can navigate to the following:


  1. Click the box in the center of the screen with the title Awaiting Your Action

  2. Or ClicktheInboxiconinthetoprightcornerofthescreen

Need help?

  • Click here for instructions on how to log into Workday
  • Click here for details on Workday's landing page 
  • Click here for details on Workday's tools and navigation 
  • Click here for details on Workday's My Tasks and Notifications 


Onboarding Tasks

Manage my Privacy

Privacy SettingsImage Modified

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To Do

When you consent to share your information outside the institution, Lynn university may release student directory information without written consent or disclosure. 

Directory information  means  "information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed." 

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.

Review your Privacy 

When select to display your directory information as "public" in Workday, your information is only available to those who have access to the Workday system.

The information displayed by default in Workday includes name and photo. 

In addition you can select to display your Lynn email address and your academic level. 

For more information please review Lynn university's Academic Catalog,  FERPA and Directory information section.

 Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


  1. Read through the recommendations and select a privacy setting.
  2. Scroll down below the privacy setting options for additional information and options. You can check items here to enable additional items to be visible on your profile.
  3. The items already checked are visible by default. Click Submit, then Done.

    Manage Privacy


Review My Personal Information

review personal infoImage Modified

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To Do

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

The Personal Information you can update in Workday includes:  

  • Sex

  • Date of Birth *

  • Marital Status *

  • Race and Ethnicity

  • Citizenship Status*

  • Gender Identity

  • Pronoun

  • Military Service*

Note: Certain changes to your personal information (*) may require you to attach documentation like like SSN card, Drivers Driver's License, Birth Certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, etc.

Under document category select "Personal Information"

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


  1. Click on the Review My Personal Information task.

    review personal info

  2. Review the information available. If you need to make changes, click the Edit button.
  3. To make edits navigate to the information you want up update click on the pencil icon to unlock the section.


  4. Updatetheinformationandthenclickthecheckmarkicontosaveyourchanges.


  5. Onceyouhavemadeedits,orifyoudon'tneedtomakeedits, clickApprove.


Review My Home Contact Information

Review home contact information


titleClick here for more information...


To Do

It is important that all students keep their contact information up to date. Your home contact information below must reflect your local and permanent domicile, personal email address and home and mobile phone numbers.   

Please review your home contact information to reflect your local and permanent domicile and personal email address. 

Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.

Do not override your Legal Home Address with your local address.  Add a new contact address with the appropiate appropriate usage lable label instead.

Select Mobile Opt-In under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


  1. Review your contact information. 
  2. To make changes click the Edit button

    contact information

  3. Select pencil icon next to a record to modify or Select X to delete a record
  4. Select add button to add a new record 

    change address

  5. Click Approve to complete task or if your contact information is correct


Address Usage: You must include the appropriate address usage on your home contact information.

DO NOT OVERRIDE YOUR LEGAL HOME ADDRESS with your Person Local Address.  Instead, click the "Add" button, input your Florida address, add the usage as "Personal Local Address," and ensure that you select the "Primary" checkbox.

  • Legal Home Permanent: This usage should reflect your home address when you are not attending school. If you reside with your family during non-school periods, kindly input your family's home address in this section.
  • Personal Local Address: This usage pertains to the address where you currently reside for the ongoing semester. If this address differs from your Legal Home Address, or if you reside on campus, it is necessary to maintain a separate contact entry. Avoid overwriting your legal home address. Instead, click the "Add" button, input your Florida address, add the usage as "Local," and ensure that you select the "Primary" checkbox.
  • Note: If you are a commuter and reside in Florida and your legal home permanent and local addresses are be the same, please add both usage labels to your primary contact record.


Phone Type: Select Mobile Opt-In Texting under Phone Device to receive Lynn alert emergency text messages.   

phone type


Review Preferred Name

review preferred name

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To Do

In line with university policy, students and employees may enter a preferred first name and/or preferred middle name that affirms their gender, culture or other aspects of their social identity. 

Note: Preferred names do not affect the individual’s last name, which must remain the person’s legal name. Preferred name will display in Workday and other applications (as supported) but will not replace the legal name that is stored in Workday.  

Review your preferred name (First Name only). your last name should not be changed.

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


  1. Click Change My Preferred Name
  2. Uncheck Use Legal Name as Preferred Name
  3. Change First Name
  4. Click Submit

    preferred Name


Review Legal Name

review legal name

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To Do

Lynn University requires your legal name to be correct in our system.  Your legal name will be displayed in your official educational documents. 

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.

Review your legal name. 

*You are required to attach one form of documentation to support the name change request, and the documentation needed may vary by situation.  Acceptable documents include: 

  • Birth Certificate

  • Social Security Card

  • Marriage License 

  • Divorce Decree

  • Court Order

  • A statement explaining your request change if it is a result of adding a middle name or correcting the spelling.

Please select document category "Legal Name Change"

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

*You must contact the IT Dept. at if you wish to have your Lynn email address to reflect your new name.


  1. If the legal name displayed is correct click "Approve" otherwise use the "Edit" box below and make the appropriate changes.  
  2. Drag and drop your documentation or select a file from your computer
  3. Select document category "Legal Name Change"
  4. Click Submit


ACH Refund Setup

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To Do

All student refunds will be processed through ACH (electronic transfer), to the student’s U.S. bank account.  The University recommends students set up their Payment Election in Workday to store bank account information and conveniently receive refunds to that account. 

To enter payment election information you will need your U.S. Bank Name, Account type (checking or Savings), Routing Transit Number and Account Number. This will allow you to receive funds when applicable.

Need Help? Contact Student Financials +1 561-237-7504 |


  • Routing Numbers is a required field and should be 9 digits in lenght length 
  • Bank name is required field 
  • Account Type is a required field 
  • Account Number is a required field.

    Account setup


Review Friends and Family

Review Friends and Family

Need help?

  • Click here for information on third party proxy (log in and navigation)
  • Click here for detailed instructions on Friends and Family and Third-Party permissions

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To Do

Friends and family include individuals you would like listed  as emergency contacts as well as any individuals you would like to view your selected academic and/or financial records and/or make payments on your behalf. 

Please use the Add button to add an individual.  You will be required to add at least one method of communication for each person listed.  

Please review the friends and family information

Students are required to have at least one emergency communication contact. 

For Emergency Contacts, you must enter an address and a phone number.

For Third Party Users you must enter an email address.

Please keep this

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |


You must add at least one emergency contact to your records otherwise you will get an error when you click Submit



My Friends and Family Permissions

review Friends and Family


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To Do

To let a third-party view information in Workday and/or receive information from Academic Advising, Student Records, and Financial Aid about your grades, registration, and/or financial aid package, Set Permissions for a Third Party to Access Your Student Information.

When a student grants access to a third party for the first time, the third party will be invited to create a Lynn Workday account. The third-party will then use that account to log in to Workday.

The third-party will only be able to view information for which the student has granted them access.

Third-party access can be changed or removed at any time by the student.

To update third-party permissions:

  • If not enabled,  select "Enable Third Party" button next to the third party name 

  • Select "Is Third Party User" checkmark. Select "OK"

  • If enabled, select "Add Permissions"

  • Verify Third Party third-party name. Select "OK"

  • Scroll down and select the "Allowed" checkmarks under the tasks you would like to grant access.

  • Select "OK"

  • Complete Purpose of Waiver

  • Click Confirm

  • Click Submit

Please do not enter comments in the comment fields as they are not monitored.  

Third Party Permissions Event (Default Definition)

To let a third-party view information in Workday and/or receive information from Academic Advising, Student Records, and Financial Aid about your grades, registration, and/or financial aid package, Set Permissions for a Third Party third-party to Access Your Student Information.

When a student grants access to a third party for the first time, the third party will be invited to create a Lynn Workday account. The third-party will then use that account to log in to Workday.

The third-party will only be able to view information for which the student has granted them access.

Third-party access can be changed or removed at any time by the student.

Need Help? Contact the Registrar's Office  +1 561-237-7303 |

To provide third-party access to your records you must first select contact as third party user, then manage permissions for user.

  1. On the third-party record, scroll to the right and select Actions button.

    Actions button

  2. Select Edit Friends and Family

    edit friends and family

  3. Select Is Third Party User (specific permissions  will be granted in the next steps). Click OK.

    is third party user

  4. On the contact record,  scroll to the right.  Select Action button. Select Manage Permissions for My Third Party
    manage permissions

  5. Verify Third third-party name, click OK

    verify third party

  6. Select the permissions for the third-party user by clicking the checkbox next to the permission. You may grant the following permissions:
    • Make a Payment
    • View Financial Aid Package
    • View Account Activity
    • View Student Statement
    • View Current Classes
    • View Student Grades
    • Generate Unofficial Transcript


  7. In the FERPA Waiver pop-up, write in the purpose of the waiver, and click Confirm.

    privacy release
