There are several ways to access Workday, and you may select the method(s) you prefer:

There is no need to install Workday on your computer or use Remote.  To access Workday, you must have IE11 or higher, use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari. Chrome is the preferred browser.  Make sure your browser supports workday.

If you are Lynn staff or faculty, you will need DUO to access Workday.

Not all functionality in browser mode is available on the Workday mobile app.

Hourly staff cannot check in/out their hours using the mobile app. 

Student workers will use their regular Lynn student email ( to log into Workday (no psw accounts).

On this job aid: 

Access Workday from your computer

Access Workday from your mobile device

Access Workday from your computer

  1. From your personal computer, type the Workday URL below in your browser and hit enter:

    Production Tenant (Live on 6/15/2020):

    Test/Training Tenant lynn4: - Testing and Training

  2. On the login page select Lynn Account


  3. Enter your Lynn Username and Password.  Student Workers must use their student login account (no pws).

    Lynn Username

  4. Authorize your login with DUO

Access Workday from your mobile device  (Not available for testing)

  1. Install Workday on your mobile device
  2. Open the Workday app 

  3. On the login page select Lynn Account

  4. Enter your Lynn Username and Password.  Student Workers must use their student login account (no pws).
  5. Authorize your login with DUO (See Job Aid if not familiar with DUO)