About this software:

Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS) is provided as a tool for Lynn University employees to access programs and services while located away from the main campus, or for employees to access programs that cannot be installed on their Lynn-issued computer.  Microsoft RDS is not intended to be used as a replacement for the Lynn-issued computer environment.  Remote employees and users can access many of the resources available through the Global Protect Virtual Private Network (VPN).  For more information about accessing VPN, click here.


In order to access Microsoft Remote Desktop Services, users will need access to the Remote Desktop Connection (Windows) or Microsoft Remote Desktop (Mac) program on the computer and their mobile device that has been configured for Multi-Factor Authentication using the Authenticator app.  For more information about setting up Multi-Factor Authentication, click here.

The following instructions will demonstrate methods of accessing RDS for First-Time users and showcase how to access more quickly on future attempts.

Step-by-step guide (Windows - First Access)

Accessing the saved RDP file for future access (Windows)

Step-by-step guide (MacOS)

Make sure you have the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection program downloaded on your computer.  You can download it from Self Service on a Lynn-issued Mac computer or from the App Store on a personal device.

Accessing the saved RDP file for future access (MacOS)

Step-by-step guide (iOS)

  1. Locate and tap on the Self Service application. 

  2. In Self Service, you can scroll to or search in the bottom right corner for Microsoft Remote Desktop and install the application. 

    Remote desktop IOS app

  3. Once Remote Desktop is installed, open the application and go to the plus + sign in the top right corner and tap on "Add PC".

  4. Add PC will bring up a new window, where it says PC Name you will enter the following without spaces:

  5. Friendly name is optional, but you can put your name if you would like ex: jsmith or jsmithsRemoteDesktop. You can leave it blank. 

    Add PC screen

  6. Tap Save and it will bring you back to the main window. Tap on the "PC" you just created, and it will prompt you to log in.

  7. Log in with your Lynn credentials, and knights\ is required before your username. Make sure it is a backslash ( \ ). A forward slash ( / )will not work.
    Login screen

  8. To exit or close Remote Desktop, tap on the Remote Desktop icon Remote desktop icon and "Disconnect All PCs" Disconnect all PCs