SpeedGrader can be accessed through two different methods. Explore the various options available for accessing SpeedGrader and review each expander to access the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Speedgrader can be accessed from the gradebook in Canvas by:

2. Speedgrader can be accessed from the assignment page within your Canvas by:




Click on each arrow to access step-by-step instructions on how to effectively utilize Speedgrader

Please use the expanders below to display the content in each tab. View the step-by-step instructions on how to effectively utilize Speedgrader

Open your Speed grader 

Select the View rubric button to open the rubric attached to the assignment 

After selecting a rating within each criterion, select the save button 

Leave a comment in the comment box at the bottom and select save.  

Select the drop down arrow to move on to the next student 

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