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  • Delegations are temporary reassignments of tasks to another user, enabling that user to perform individual actions on your behalf.
  • All requests to delegate will go through a manager for approval.
  • You may delegate your entire Inbox or should delegate a specific business processes from your Inbox, for a specified period of time. We recommend not to delegate the entirely inbox and remember to click "Retain access to Delegated Tasks"
  • Workday also enables you to delegate the Initiating Action of specific business processes (i.e., a VP can delegate the ability to create expense reports to their executive assistant). Not all business process are eligible to initiate on your behalf.
  • Delegation does not confer access to view your personal information.  
  • Delegating an approval task does not absolve the person delegating the task of their responsibilities. They are still accountable for the delegate’s actions as it related to the delegated task.
  • Delegates will start receiving the delegated tasks only when new transactions are initiated. Any transactions already initiated will continue to flow to the original user.
  • Attach any supporting files, such as an email message accompanying the requested delegation change, to be included as part of the business process event.
  • Both you and either the delegate or the alternate delegate receive confirmation notifications when the delegations go into effect.
  • Delegates can also request reassignment for any delegated tasks, but they cannot delegate any delegated tasks to another worker.
  • Any delegated tasks will be recorded in the Process History with the words “On Behalf of”, followed by the name of the delegator.



You can only delegate to staff under your same supervisory organization.  

Delegations should be used only when you will be unavailable to complete time-sensitive tasks. Inboxes Inbox alerts will contain HR related tasks may contain salary or other personal information. Delegating your entire inbox should be done only when you will unavailable for an extended period of time, and be delegated to a person (peer or superior) who already has access to the same information you do.

Make sure you click the checkmark to retain access to your inbox otherwise only your delegate will have access to those inbox items.


Please monitor your delegations for staff changes and end dates.  Delegations will disappear from your list once they expire. Make sure you extend delegations by changing the end date into a future date.

On this job aid: 

Create a delegation

Cancel or modify the delegation

Acting on Behalf of Another User

Sample Delegations

Issues - Cannot see inbox items after delegations

Table of Contents

Managers can use delegation to allow additional users to act on their behalf for any approvals in the system. Delegations will allow Administrative/Executive Assistants to approve direct reports absences, create expense reports, and verify PCard transactions.


Create a Delegation

View current delegations or create a delegation to allow a co-worker to act on your behalf:



Important: The delegation request will route to your manager for approval.


Cancel or modify the delegation

Once you submit the delegation, you can cancel or modify it. The way you proceed depends on whether your manager has already approved your delegation or not.

If the delegation is approved:

For approved delegations, you can modify the dates, tasks, and other information, and you can add new delegates or remove delegates.

  1. In your Workday Inbox, click the More button and select My Delegations.

  2. On the My Delegations page, click the Manage Delegations button.

  3. Modify the delegation as you like. Click the Remove Row (minus) button to delete the delegation.

  4. Click Submit.

If the delegation is not approved:

  1. In your Inbox, click the More button and select My Delegations.

  2. Click the Delegation History tab. The unapproved delegation will be in progress.
    delegation history

  3. To cancel a delegation request, click the Related Actions icon off the delegation that is "In Progress."

  4. Select Business Process and click Cancel.

  5. Enter a Comment.

  6. Click Submit.


Acting on Behalf of Another User

You are assigned to be a delegate by a co-worker to perform approval tasks on their behalf. Follow the instructions below to act on their behalf:


  1. On your profile menu, click Switch Account to switch to the delegated account.


  2. Click the user for whom you are a delegate.


    Switching accounts brings up the delegation dashboard with delegated actions. From here, you can initiate business processes that have been delegated to you by your co-worker.

  3. Users can initiate tasks by clicking on actions under Reports & Tasks.

  4. To switch to your personal Workday account, click the Switch Account and click your own name.

    To view the Inbox that is delegated to you by your co-worker:

  5. After switching to the delegated Inbox, click the Inbox icon, and you can see your co-worker's delegated Inbox.


Sample Delegations

Manage Time:  Approve absences and leave, review, and correct time. 

Manage expenses or Lynn One Card transactions on your behalf. Select Create Expense Reports, Create Spend Authorizations and Verify Procurement Card Transactions
Image Modified

Inbox Approvals for time and attendance inbox items


Common tasks to delegate: 


The system allows only a limited group of Initiating Actions You Can Delegate on your behalf.  Please refer to the list at the end of this job aid.

Start on my Behalf

FunctionInitiate FieldBusiness Process TypeSelectionDescription
ProcurementStart On My BehalfExpensesCreate Expense ReportUse this option to delegate creating expense reports on your behalf (both personal and Lynn T-EXP travel expense (brown) card).
ProcurementStart On My BehalfExpensesCreate Spend AuthorizationUse this option  to delegate creating Spend Authorizations (estimated costs to be reimbursed to the employee and cash advances).
Time and AttendanceStart On My BehalfAssign Work ScheduleAssign Work ScheduleUse this option to delegate assigning work schedule for shift eligible employees.
Time and AttendanceStart On My BehalfReview TimeReview TimeUse this option  to delegate reviewing hourly workers time cards.
Time and AttendanceStart On My BehalfEnter TimeEnter Time for WorkerUse this option  to delegate entering time for hourly workers. 
Time and AttendanceStart On My BehalfAbsence CalendarCorrect AbsenceUse this option to delegate correcting employee absences
Time and AttendanceStart On My BehalfAbsence CalendarEnter AbsenceUse this option to delegate entering employee absences
HiringStart On My BehalfCreate PositionCreate PositionUse this option  to delegate creating a position before it can be approved and posted for hiring. Unless you are filling a vacant position, you will need to Create a New Position in your hiring process.
HiringStart On My BehalfEdit PositionEdit PositionUse this option  to delegate editing created positions before it can be approved and posted for hiring. Unless you are filling a vacant position, you will need to Create/Editing a New Position in your hiring process.
HiringStart On My BehalfHireHire EmployeeUse this option  to delegate hiring staff, students or contingent workers.
PayrollStart On My BehalfCompensationRequest-One TimeRequest one time payment for staff and faculty


FunctionDo Inbox Tasks FieldSelectionDescription
ProcurementFor Business ProcessExpense Report EventUse this option to delegate reviewing/approving expense request (inbox item) for regular and Lynn travel card expenses.
ProcurementFor Business ProcessProcurement Card Transaction VerificationUse this option to delegate reviewing/approving procurement card transactions verification (inbox item)  Lynn  JPM procurement P-Card (black card) expenses.
ProcurementFor Business ProcessSupplier Invoice EventApprove supplier Invoice submissions.
ProcurementFor Business ProcessSupplier RequestApprove Supplier Request 
ProcurementFor Business ProcessRequisition EvenApprove Requisitions or changes in requisitions
FinanceFor Business ProcessBudget Amendment EventUse this option to delegate budget amendments.
Time and AttendanceFor Business ProcessCorrect Time OffUse this option to delegate correcting time off (inbox item)
Time and AttendanceFor Business ProcessRequest time OffUse this option to delegate approving absence/time off  requests (inbox item)
Time and AttendanceFor Business ProcessUpdate Time Off RequestsUse this option to delegate updating absence/time off requests (inbox item)
Time and AttendanceFor Business ProcessEnter TimeUse this option to delegate entering time requests (inbox item)


Issues - Cannot see inbox items after delegations

Make sure you check check the box to “Retain Access to Delegated Tasks” for business processes. If you leave the box unchecked,  only your delegate will have access to those items and they will not show on your inbox.

If you would like to see those items on your inbox, go to your delegation and click the “Retain Access to Delegates Tasks in Inbox”  Under Do inbox Tasks.

Issues - My Delegation Disappeared

 Delegations will disappear from your list once they reach expiration date.  Make sure you extend delegations by changing the end date into a future date. Once a delegation expires it cannot be retrieved.

Issues - I Cannot find an action to delegate

Initiating Actions You Can Delegate

You can delegate the Initiating Action of these business processes (only):

  • Absence Calendar
  • Background Check
  • Change Job
  • Change Organization Assignments for Workers by Organization
  • Close Job Requisition
  • Contract Contingent Worker
  • Correct Time Off
  • Create Idea
  • Create Position
  • Create Project Scenario
  • Edit Position
  • End Contingent Worker Contract
  • Enter Time
  • Expense Report Event
  • Hire
  • Job Requisition
  • Job Requisition Change
  • Personal Information Change
  • Receipt
  • Request Compensation Change
  • Request One-Time Payment
  • Request Time Off
  • Requisition Event
  • Spend Authorization
  • Termination
  • Timesheet Event
  • Verify Capital Project Expense