For the most up to date cost information please click here. The information provided below is updated on a periodic basis, with the most up to date information being housed on the main university website.

Estimated annual cost - Undergraduate Day

Fee name2024-2025
Housing and food$14,330
Student services$1,000
Estimated total$59,060

Costs are based on completion of 120 total credits (30 credits per year). Some programs and courses may have additional costs. Cost of housing is dependent on residence hall assignment. All undergraduate students pay a $1,000 annual student service fee and a one-time $250 course materials fee. Day students who live on campus must also pay a $750 technology fee. Commuters must pay $400.

Other rates

Fee name2024-2025
Tuition insurance (residential students)$302 
Tuition insurance (commuter students)$226
Overload/part-time$1,220 per credit
Four-year, full-time
Three-year, full-time
Summer courses$1,220 per credit (2025)
Health Insurance$2,124 (estimated)

Special fees

Fee name2024-2025
Lab fees$40–$10,000 per course
Audits$750 per course
Flight AcademyFlight Training - $7,000 per course capped at 40 hours. Additional rates apply for any excess hours (estimated)
Graphics, films and video supplies (approximate)$200 per semester

Charges for individual supplies will not appear on the student account, but the student may still be liable for these costs.

Institute for Achievement and Learning

Student type2024-2025
New students$5,875 per semester
Returning students$4,225 per semester

The university reserves the right to change, with or without notice, any of the fees listed on this site; increases are possible in subsequent years.

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